The Heirs Episode 15 Preview is finally out!
Here is the synopsis:
Tan is never going to live down placing 100th, is he? Leave it to Won to bring out his dry humor that can chafe sandpaper. And he continues to be prickly to Tan, but at least now Tan seems to have had enough of trying to be understanding with his brother.
What kind of trouble Ki Ae is going to get herself into by giving that envelope to Esther. It’s not looking good because Ki Ae is not the brightest bulb in the room.
Watch the full preview below!
Ji Sook: Young Do is in 98th place.
Ji Sook to Won: Do you know what place Tan is in? 100th.
Won: In the whole country?
Eun Sang: Kim Tan. Very handsome Kim Tan.
Tan: Stop being cute. You’re very dangerous right now (or You’re in danger right now.)
Eun Sang: I’ve come to like you.
Ki Ae: I would like you to officially call off the engagement.
Esther: Why do I have to talk about this type of important thing with the person in front of me?
Ki Ae: I didn’t want to do this but…
Tan: What do I have to do for you to believe me?
Won: Give up your stocks and return to the US. And don’t come back.
Tan: I’ve changed my mind. If you want my shares, then try to take them from me.
Tan to Dad: Let me go to school.
Dad: You don’t have to go.
Dad to security guards: If this child is difficult to handle, you can hurt him.
Thanks to video uploader and Translation