
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

JYJ’s Jaejoong celebrates his birthday with top stars

JYJ’s Jaejoong celebrates his birthday with top stars

Photos taken at JYJ Jaejoong‘s birthday party have been revealed.

On January 23rd, Hong Suk Chun uploaded the pictures above onto his personal Twitter along with the messages, “Jaejoong’s birthday. All his friends came to celebrate,” and, “Had a great time with Seung Heon, Suk Won, and Director Lee Jae Han.”
The pictures were taken at the singer’s birthday party, and actors Hong Suk Chun, Song Seung Heon, and Jung Suk Won as well as the director of ‘71: Into the Fire‘ Lee Jae Han were present. Fans were impressed at the gathering of such famous figures.

Fans commented, “Song Seung Heon and even Jung Suk Won at his birthday party. He has amazing connections,” “Looks like you had a fun time,” and “Jaejoong must have a great personality since he has so many friends.”

Jaejoong will be turning 27 (Korean age: 28) on January 26th.

Source: allkpop

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