Monday, December 10, 2012
2AM’s Lim Seulong Charismatically Poses with Broken Foot
Unafraid of showing an imperfect side of him, 2AM’s Lim Seulong recently participated in a photo shoot with 1st Look magazine, complete with his foot cast for his broken toe.
During his interview with 1st Look, Lim Seulong revealed how he came to break his toe.
“I was exercising when it happened. After jogging, I turned around quickly and suddenly felt lightheaded and my legs went weak,” explained the singer. “My pinky toe twisted instead of my ankle and two bones broke. I’ll get rid of the cast sometime in early December.”
He shared that he worried about flying to Japan for 2AM’s recent concert due to his new healthy condition.
“But it was a concert that we promised and I decided it’s wrong not to keep a promise, so I chose to go to Japan.”
Even after the flight over, things weren’t easy for Lim Seulong.
“I was in a lot of pain during the performance. My fever went up to 39 degrees Celsius at one point and I almost couldn’t even sing. But I held it all in and somehow finished the concert. I was taken to the emergency room right after and stayed until 1 a.m.”
With Lim Seulong appearing in a new movie, it was impossible not to ask about 26 Years.
“It’s a movie that I have a lot of expectations for. I’m really thankful that people are interested in it and I like that it’s becoming an issue,” said Lim Seulong on his controversial movie. “It’s especially touching that 20,000 something people donated money to make this movie happen.”
26 Years is about a group of people who lost their family members during the Kwangju massacre back in 1980 and are trying to find the person responsible for the event.
“I had interest in it, but I didn’t know much about it,” said Lim Seulong, who wasn’t even born when the massacre happened. “To know politics, you need to study history. Politics and history are also connected with economy, society, and culture, so I ended up studying a lot and got even more interested.”
On his strong commitment to the movie and his career as a whole, he replied, “If I have to do something, my eyes are on only that.”
Lim Seulong’s pictorial and interview will be released on December 6.
Photo Credit: 1st Look
Source: CJ E&M enewsWorld
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