
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Song Joong Ki Says He Is Happy With the Ending in “Nice Guy”

In the latest press conference for “Nice Guy“, Song Joong Ki expressed content with the ending of “Nice Guy”, “At first I thought they were going to keep it open between a sad and happy ending until the end of the series, but because they seemed to favor a happy ending, so I felt the conclusion fit perfectly. If this had been a movie, a sad ending might also have been appropriate- but when the staff discussed what kind of ending they wanted to give the viewers, they all agreed a happy ending would please viewers seeing as how dramas are fashioned to keep viewers interested and happy. The final scene was shot in TongYeong, Dongpirang. It was a bit strange filming there. My stomach was in knots.”

Song Joong Ki also went on to express his attachment to his character Maru, “Among the characters I have been assigned so far, I think I have grown the strongest attachment to my character Maru. I tried my best to see the world through the eyes of sincere Maru. Men have this tendency of not forgetting their first love, so I was able to emote what he was going through. Although, when I was scheduled to film “Wolf Boy” in the middle of filming for “Nice Guy” it was a bit jarring to come back into character.”

He went on to say that his acting experience with “Nice Guy” transformed his acting style significantly, “When I walk into a scene being filmed, I do my best not to mess up and deliver what is expected of me in order to complete the scene. Once the Director calls a ‘Cut” I make it my thing to get out of character. This time, I wanted to really show everyone what I could do as Maru. I worried a lot beforehand about whether I would be even able to digest the character’s role properly, but ultimately immersing myself in my character I think helped create a better overall drama. I recall being choked up after many scenes because of how deeply I was in character.”

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