With the recent surfacing of a photo showing IU and Eunhyuk together that was accidentally revealed through IU’s Twitter, fans and netizens alike had been awaiting an official statement from the artists’ respective agencies.
It seems Loen Entertainment is the first to break their silence as they have just released an official statement on the issue:
Hello. This is Loen Entertainment.
This is an official statement regarding the picture that was revealed early this morning through IU’s Twitter.
First, we bow our heads and sincerely apologize for causing concern to all the representatives and all the fans of IU and Super Junior.
The revealed photo was from this summer when IU was very sick and Eunhyuk had come to visit her at her home, and was taken then when they sat on the sofa together; it was revealed to the outside due to IU’s mistake through her related photo uploading service while IU was making a mention on Twitter.
IU is sincerely sorry for bringing harm to her sunbae Eunhyuk due to her error.
Lastly, IU and Eunhyuk are close sunbae-hoobae who have been close since IU’s debut, Eunhyuk is close to the point that he has even dined with IU’s mother. We ask that you do not exaggerate or make assumptions about IU and Eunhyuk’s relationship due to this incident.
We will return to greet you as a more matured agency after having learned from this incident. We apologize once again.
We are sorry.
Loen Entertainment
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