
Monday, December 19, 2011

SNSD’s Seohyun loses her temper

SNSD member Seohyun showed a surprising new side of herself.

The first episode of JTBC‘s ‘SNSD and Troubled Teens‘ aired on December 18th, where SNSD had a chance to meet with and talk to the boys for the very first time.

As the girls watched a video clip of the rebellious boys in need of a loving touch, they could not hold back their shock.

Member Seohyun who is known to be an upright young woman was especially frustrated, and she adorably lost her temper for the first time ever since SNSD’s debut. Seohyun’s face was stiff for the entire time she watched the boys’ video clip, and once it was over she remarked, “It’s unfortunate that these boys are living without a dream or any real plans.”

And during a time of counseling where she and fellow member Taeyeon spoke privately to one of the boys, Seohyun was in disbelief over his careless attitude and surprised everyone by exclaiming, “Hey, you can’t live like that!”

‘SNSD and Troubled Teens’ is a program where the girls have an opportunity to mentor young teenage boys and watch them change and develop over time. The program airs every Sunday at 7:30PM KST on JTBC.

Source & Image: XportsNews via Nate
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