
Sunday, November 20, 2011

TVXQ releases PV preview for new Japanese song Winter Rose

The PV preview for TVXQ’s upcoming Japanese song, “Winter Rose“, has been revealed through a Japanese TV program! The boys are celebrating Christmas a little earlier this year with a beautiful ballad that is perfect for the winter season.

The preview shows a boy staring through the window at TVXQ who is donning white winter outfits and surrounded by snow. In addition to the preview, the video also shows some footage of the behind the making of the PV. The footage reveals Yunho talking to the two young kids starring in their PV. He asks the children how old they think he looks and the children reply with “30″ and “41″, embarrassing the 25 year old singer who then bursts out in laughter.

TVXQ’s new Japanese single, “Winter“, will be released on November 30th.

Check out the video below!

Article written by Ngoc Nguyen on Sunday, November 20, 2011 7:35PM via

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