
Monday, November 7, 2011

SNSD has their eyes on INFINITE

On November 7th, SNSD guested on ‘Choi Hwa Jung’s Power Time’ radio and revealed their honest thoughts on various topics.

One of the topics discussed dealt with newer idol groups. DJ Choi Hwa Jung asked, “You’ve made a comeback after a long while. Do rookie groups find it hard to approach you?”
Taeyeon responded, “To be honest, a lot of rookie groups find it uncomfortable and difficult to approach us. So they greet us loudly with 90 degree bows.”

The DJ followed up by asking, “How do they react when you receive their greeting in a friendly manner?” Sunny responded, “Honestly, it’s only been 4 years since we’ve debuted. So rather than receiving their greeting, I think it’s only right that we greet them too.”

Choi Hwa Jung then asked, “Are there any hoobae [junior] boy idol groups that you’ve had your eyes on?” After a moment, Hyoyeon revealed, “I think INFINITE is quite good. It’s nice to see them always trying their hardest.”
The other members nodded in agreement and Sunny added, “They came to greet us and give us a copy of their album when we were in the waiting room once. I was so touched.”

When asked to pick a second group, Taeyeon made everyone laugh when she replied, “Am I not allowed to say INFINITE again?

Watch the clip below!

Article written via allkpop
Source: Mydaily via Naver

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